As a typical salaried worker, my weekends are an important time to unplug from the day-to-day work and to rest my mind. We normally stay home on holiday weekends to avoid all of the crazy crowds. Isn’t it boring? Not at all…
A typical off day in our world looks like this:
9.00 a.m.
We wake up to the sunlight peeking through my curtains, and birds chirping merrily outside. While KampungBoy is taking a shower/or a dump, I would laze in bed while watching my favourite dramas from Netflix.
My recent addiction is “The Good Wife” and “House of Cards”. I can just stream without worrying about my data quota because as an U Mobile user, I enjoy unlimited video streaming 24 hours every day for FREE, from my Video-Onz™ service for videos on Netflix.
10.00 a.m.
Depending on my mood, I will prepare a hearty brunch for the both os us, or we will eat out, or we will dabao some food back.
Again, depending on our mood, we do insta videos for some of my favourite recipes. It is a good way to tell our followers that some of my recipes are actually very, very easy and simple.
1.00 p.m.
After all the washing up and laundry work, it is till to “Netflix & Chill” again. By chill, I mean real chilling. I would catch up on my favourite movies and dramas on Netflix. I love watching the “Chef’s Table” too, it is great to find out what’s inside the kitchens and minds of the international culinary stars who are redefining gourmet food.
4.00 p.m.
It’s coffee o’clock! While enjoying some simple pastries and my cup of coffee, I start to brainstorm what to cook for dinner. Tasty and Buzzfeed Food on Facebook are my sources of inspiration. I can watch more than 20 recipes videos at one go without feeling bored. Food and cooking is my biggest passion yo!
Again, I don’t have to worry about my data usage when I go live on Facebook Live and upload or stream videos hosted on Facebook and Twitter.
6.00 p.m.
I gather all my cooking ingredients and start to load the recipe video that I intend to replicate.
The video is replayed multiple times because I need to be clear on the step by step instructions.
10.00 p.m.
We wash up after dinner, iron some clothes, and get ready for bed quickly. I love to watch something like such as a comedy movie or Gossip Girl to end my day.
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Existingly free streaming partner for Video-Onz
From now onwards, U Mobile customers will be able to enjoy unlimited video streaming 24 hours every day with free data from their Video-Onz™ service for videos on Netflix, Facebook and Twitter. The additional three (3) partners will bring the total number of Video-Onz™ partners to twenty one (21) just four months after the service’s launch.
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