Happy Birthday My Love! Remember that your best years are still ahead of you and I’ll be there for every up down and in between.
Happy Birthday My Love! Remember that your best years are still ahead of you and I’ll be there for every up down and in between.
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Happy Birthday~ 🙂
Happy Birthday Kampungboy! May you have a great celebration.
ooh new layout! must be a birthday gift for kg. boy right? 😀
Happy Birthday!! Wow 27 years old………a lot ..a lot of wonderful years a head……you make me dive deep into my memory…what have I did in my 27 years birthday!! ha!ha!
Criz Lai: Thanks 😀
Boo_licious: Had a great one! Thanks. Wish more good ‘makanan’ ahead… haha.
Michelle: Haha. Thanks. For kbcg. 😀
coketai: Thanks. Too bad. I celeb with stack of documents. lol