kampungboycitygal.com is 4 years old!


    4 is an inauspicious number for the Chinese but 2009 has been a good year for us. Other than the non-stop binging with close friends like Christine, Chris and Aiwei; we did travel a bit. We went to:

    • Bangkok (company trip for kampungboy, family trip for citygal) in October 09 and December 09
    • Hong Kong in April 09
    • Kota Kinabalu in April 09
    • Singapore in October 09 and December 09
    • Taiwan in June 09 and August 09

    Screen shot 2009-12-30 at 1.38.09 PM.png

    Due to the overwhelming responses on our HK and Taiwan travelogue, we’ve created a new page under “travel (updated)” that list down all the relevant blog posts. However if you have any inquiriesfeel free to drop us an email at kampungboycitygal@gmail.com

    Thank you to our readers and advertisers for your ongoing support towards our humble little blog. We hope to continue to be relevant, informative and entertaining. Perhaps you guys can tell us what you want to read, e.g. less travelogue and more hawker fare?

    And lastly, Happy Birthday to kampungboycitygal.com!


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