Up Close & Personal : Bobby Chinn


    When I mean up close – I sat at the first row and Bobby Chinn was only 1 meter away from me! *Drooling*

    What about personal? He wrote me a personal message on his cooking book “Wild Wild West”. See the hearts on my name? Awwwww…

    As a part of his “World Café Asia 2” Tour, Bobby Chinn was in Cold Storage, Ikano Power Centre to share his experiences and to conduct a cooking demo. Thanks to Jess from Cold Storage, I was invited to the event to catch a glimpse of Bobby Chinn.

    Half Egyptian, half Chinese, raised in England, lives in San Francisco and New York and now based in Hanoi, Bobby Chinn is quite a character. He is always at his best- charming, urbane, and witty. He laughs at himself, gives funny anecdotes, and unabashedly pokes fun at everything. He’s good at imitating other celebrity chefs as well, which gives the audiences a good laugh.

    Can’t get enough of Bobby Chinn? Here you go…

    bobby chin

    bobby chin1

    Thanks to Discovery Travel & Living and Cold Storage, I left feeling star-struck after the event. Most ladies felt the same too, with most of them throwing themselves shamelessly at him. I was about to do so, but refrained from doing so because KampungBoy will be here anytime soon to pick me up. *sigh*

    Well, I can always tune in to Astro Channel 707 🙂 – World Cafe Asia 2 premieres on Astro Channel 707 on March 23 (every Monday at 10.30pm) and encores every Tuesday at 5.30pm; and Sunday at 2.30pm and 1.30pm.


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