When I mean up close – I sat at the first row and Bobby Chinn was only 1 meter away from me! *Drooling*
What about personal? He wrote me a personal message on his cooking book “Wild Wild West”. See the hearts on my name? Awwwww…
As a part of his “World Café Asia 2” Tour, Bobby Chinn was in Cold Storage, Ikano Power Centre to share his experiences and to conduct a cooking demo. Thanks to Jess from Cold Storage, I was invited to the event to catch a glimpse of Bobby Chinn.
Half Egyptian, half Chinese, raised in England, lives in San Francisco and New York and now based in Hanoi, Bobby Chinn is quite a character. He is always at his best- charming, urbane, and witty. He laughs at himself, gives funny anecdotes, and unabashedly pokes fun at everything. He’s good at imitating other celebrity chefs as well, which gives the audiences a good laugh.
Can’t get enough of Bobby Chinn? Here you go…
Thanks to Discovery Travel & Living and Cold Storage, I left feeling star-struck after the event. Most ladies felt the same too, with most of them throwing themselves shamelessly at him. I was about to do so, but refrained from doing so because KampungBoy will be here anytime soon to pick me up. *sigh*
Well, I can always tune in to Astro Channel 707 🙂 – World Cafe Asia 2 premieres on Astro Channel 707 on March 23 (every Monday at 10.30pm) and encores every Tuesday at 5.30pm; and Sunday at 2.30pm and 1.30pm.
aiyahh..i missed it! read in thestar n forgot all abt it!
delivery of services we can tell you far. when the committee do not need to Hanoi Bobby Chinn’s restaurant to enjoy the special delicacies, you just pick up the phone and call us, we will take till tell you . http://www.bobbychinn.com
just watched world cafe asia over the wkend, when he went to Hong Kong, and met Hugo, the rotund figure everyone loves …. (not love to be, mind you)
bobby’s witty, and cool, but his eyebrows (or lack thereof) are rather …. hideous, dont u think?
dont flame me, pls. =P
so cool, and with the autographed book also!!!!
and hey u look gorgeous! 😀
imitates! ..jamie oliver or kylie kwong? lol…but i agree that he had a certain character and charms.
lol on J2Kfm’s comment!! wei you not scared his legion of female fans throw hate comments at you ah? lol
anyway….i am sooo envious la! personal autographed book some more!! bobby’s really funny and witty. so i’m really not surprised that you came away star-strucked! heehee
Wow! I was there too! I got the cookbook autographed also! Bobby Chinn is a very honest straight talking kind of guy. Ya can bet he is NOT imitating Jamie or Kylie. He’s original la! I went home on top of the world and stars in my eyes! Hubby was teasing me and when I got the photo of him and me developed (8R la, any less would be an INSULT! Hahahahaha!), hubby framed and hung it up for me! Would love to have been able to eat with him tho!
whoa lucky u! me too, i was realllllly star strucked! he’s just too cute and too real for a celebrity chef!
Bobby Chinn is so disgusting and obnoxious, how can you hang out with him?