The Encounter – KampungBoy’s eyes, in a flash, met with the most beautiful woman’s eyes he has ever seen. It was love at first sight…
They started seeing each other and their life revolve around food …
Of course, KampungBoy has to throw in romantic factor from time to time. As you can see, the couple in silhouette, enjoying a romantic sunset…
And so, the day has finally arrived. Is he going to pop the question (propose)?
Nah. It’s Citygal’s Birthday. Selamat Hari Jadi my dear.
Guess what have I got for you?
It’s not THE END yet. There is yet more chapters unwritten in my live and I’m glad that you’re in it…
Just for you my love. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead (with me by your side of course).
wahhh!! Happy Birthday WeiZhi!! +D may you have more wonderful chapters to come!! +D
First! Happy Birthday Citygal. Damn funny lah KampungBoy your comic. So true, Citygal always thinks about food lol. By the way, my cousin and two other friends birthday is today too. So many people to wish in one day lol.
eh why am i alwiz hungry ar?! 🙁
anyway it’s very sweet of you, my dear 😀
tq berry muchie
eh …. happy bday woh !!! celeb in hometown or in your CITY?
come back lah…to the kampung you from. 🙂
Happy Birthday Citygal! How sweet of Kampungboy… =)
hehee.. so sweet…Happy Birthday CItyGal!
Happy Birthday to Citygal again! So sweet of you kampungboy! When gonna propose to her??? Let me know ok!
Guess the ‘spana’ worked the chemistry out of u two! U know what I meant ;P
Weizhi, everytime u see the sun, you’ll think of eggs?? @_@ hahaha…
and… get Lex that kampung hat.I think it suits him..LoL.
haahah yr drawing so cute and sweet. happy bd to u citygal!!!!
Happy Birthday Citygal! You guys are just about the sweetest couple in the blogosphere!
Happy bufday Citygal … 😀
So cute!!!!!! (Well done, Kampungboy!) Happy Birthday to the sweetest blogger in town! 🙂
Happy Birthday!! Hope the celebration meal is wonderful one 🙂
Happy Birthday City Gal! May you have the sweetest birthday!
aww…happy birthday city gal!! more food to come yea! 🙂
so sccweeettt, happy burpday CityGal
Happy Birthday, Citygal! Many Happy Returns!
Many happy chapters of the day!
Lovely couple!!! You may have a lot of ..lot of chapters a head. i dedicated this song “The Book Of Love” by Air Supply for yours – the wonderful couple!!!
Haha, the drawings so cute! Happy Belated birthday girl!
Happy Belated Birthday, CityGal!
Cool cartoon and i will be waiting to see where u celebrated your bday. more specifically, where u makan..heheh…
Muahahaha, the comics are hilarious! Happy Eating and Happy belated birthday, Citygirl!
Happy Birthday Citygal. Stay happy and stay young always.
Love to have a comic drawn by my boyfriend to me someday. LOL!
So romantic