The Pancake Loving Nation

    We stumble upon a bindaeduk (Korean Pancake) stall along Jong No Sam Ga (Jong No 3rd Street) which is just stone throw away from our hostel. It is actually green bean pancakes ground up and mixed with bean sprouts and seafood fried in oil.
    Ajusshi (uncle) was too busy to entertain us, the english speaking aliens because it was full house inside! I spotted working men having a biteful of bindaeduk with shoju sipped or shot from a small glass.
    Communication problem is a big headache here. Sometimes it is hard to get your food if you can’t speak korean. We just point our finger to any of the ‘pancake’ and say ONE.

    Pickled cubed radish (kkaktugi) was served once we were seated. Not again? We realized that they serve kimchi with every single meal, let it be barbeque, bindaeduk, noodles or porridge.

    Koreans have bindaeduk with these pickled sweet onion. It is crunchy and the taste is less empowering than malaysian onion.

    Everyone was taken on the heels of the bindaeduk, it’s a pas de deux in the mouth. Priced at 10,000 won (RM 38), the bindaeduk was laden with prawns, octopus and vegetables.

    This particular stall was featured by SBS TV channel before. They must be really well reputable and famous around Jong No area huh?

    Every morning we left half our gear in the hostel and set out on the path to town. This is the path that we walk pass everyday. The reflection shows seven of us and Nahee, our korean friend. Stay tune for The Best Korean Restaurant in Seoul titled by Korean Government.


    • Kenny Mah says:

      Wow! You’re in Korea! And foodblogging from such a distance too! My hat’s off you! 😀

      I’ve been MIA for awhile in terms of blog-reading so missed KampungBoy’s birthday — here’s a belated Happy Burfday greeting from me!

      Happy Birthday to you,
      Happy Birthday to you,
      While others got born in a zoo,
      You only came from Timbuktu!

      ( Okay, not very funny lar, but the only thing I could come up with now… 😛 )

    • boo_licious says:

      Pancake looks yummy! Yes, they eat kimchi with everything hence my friend was so upset when she was in Korea since she hates kimchi.

    • wmw says:

      Me love Korean pancakes….Love all sorts pancakes, hehe…

    • Precious Pea says:

      I got the same communication problem when in Korea, so frustrated when it comes to bargaining.

    • Tummythoz says:

      Thx for d info on your accommodation there. Free laundry. Sounds fantastic! Further ‘interrogation’ session when I plan to go, k?

    • Anonymous says:

      isetan running a korea fair…the got sell the pre-mixed flour for the pancake..1 big packet sell less than RM10

      can make lots of korea pancake with it…kekek


    • jason says:

      My friend told me Koreans sucks in English. Hahaha… The last pic is nice

    • Mark says:

      Pancakes, I love pancakes… Korean style… looks yummy!

    • sc says:

      oooohhh, i love korean pancakes and this looks good! *drools*

    • Jian says:

      fuyoh… good looking pancakes…can imagine its packed with seafood and taste to perfection.

    • "Joe" who is constantly craving says:

      wah pancake! looks like its as expensive as in m’sia..and i find it quite a rip off because i found the flour powder for RM 5 for a huge packet..but im too i have to resort paying a bomb..or wait for them to giv me a complimentary 1..hahah

    • Jackson says:

      wa… love the different taste of pancakes!! young ppl nowadays really know how to enjoy life!!!

    • teckiee says:

      thats like a super huge pancake!

    • KampungboyCitygal says:

      kenny mah: no back for a couple of days..oh u have been very busy lately huh? hahaha..kgboy say thanks and he loves the customize bday song

      boo: yeah..every single dish..i hate the pungent smell..

      wmw: yeah..ur my too..pancake is the ultimate comfort food

      precious pea: exactly..we only buy items with price tag..

      tummythoz: sure..i keep the name card with me :p

      anonymous: really? its a good bargain..not sure if i can make it as yummy as those that i tried in seoul?

    • KampungboyCitygal says:

      jason: yeah..but the younger generation can speak good english..haha my favourite pic ..

      mark: yeah it is savoury one..taste so good

      sc: yeah a tad oily but still taste so good

      jian: haha dun envy ya

      joe: ahaha..u should try to learn then have some free testing session for floggers..

      jackson: hahaha..we live to eat right?

      teckiee: yeah..the portion is quite big and its laden with seafood

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