Restoran Ho Fun and KTZ, ss2

    To satisfy my constantly cravings for Lo Wong and Onn Kee Ipoh, Kgboy brought me to Restoran Ho Fun SS2 last weekend. The Chinese signage stated that they are the New Lo Wong from Ipoh which serves Hor Fun and bean sprout chicken. I doubt that, are they the real branch of Lo Wong or just a Lo Wong wanna-be? Nevermind though, I can differentiate it with my taste bud.

    Kampungboy had the drumstick rice comes with a bowl of soup and some chilli, garlic and chicken oil mix. The drumstick is tender and goes well with the soy sauce. However the rick seems to be lack of some “chickeny” taste. The essence of cooking chicken rice is to mix with some chicken oil and spices.

    Bean sprouts are not as fat as Ipoh’s one but it’s quite crunchy.

    I had the dry hor fun with dumplings. The hor fun is nothing fantastic so credits must be given to the dumpling for saving my day.

    Overall, the food served is OK, nothing fantastic and nothing bad to be complaint. The price is quite reasonable and service is good!

    Next on, desserts at KTZ needs no furthur introduction right? I always think that KTZ mango lo is the best until I tried Hui Lao Shan at HK. Something that I miss most about HK that I keep on raving about it to Kgboy!


    • Anonymous says:

      i’d been to this place twice and think that their food quite okay.. that’s of course without comparing those “hor fun” @ ipoh ehehehehe…

    • Anonymous says:

      The drumstick look delicious!! but not look like what I ate in Ipoh. And the desserts look very nice!!!

    • KampungboyCitygal says:

      meiyen: yeah its okie for me too..:)

      hojiak: must try it when ur at ss2 next time

    • Jackson says:

      wowo..the chicken look so good!! Citygal, i guess u r from Ipoh and Im sure Ipoh one still taste da best! But for a KL guy like me, i think they are good enough la…hehhehe…Do u have any suggestion which place sell the best ipoh horfun in KL a? Besides, i love the mango ice shaving too! Im so hungry now…pity me still in da office doin work

    • KampungboyCitygal says:

      jackson: hahahah..i duno any nice hor fun in kl le..maybe u can ask Boo or Meiyen..:p..grab some supper after work la..:p

    • Anonymous says:

      i think ss14 subang also got one of this shop…
      duno same or not..hehe…
      also sth ho fun n related to ipoh 1…
      damn even the dishes look nearly same 🙂

    • Msian foodlover in London says:

      This is ‘Lou Ong’ not ‘Lou Wong’ if u look at the chinese words, and, no the taste is very different. The chicken is alrite, but the hor fun and beansprout is quite dissapointing like most of the places in KL. The only better hor fun that I’ve tried in KL has to be ‘Chan Tong Kee’ in Berjaya Timesquare. Surprise? Berjaya Timesquare has something nice to eat, :), it’s in a hidden spot, not quite sure which floor. As for KTZ, the only nice outlet is the one in Kepong, and the only nice iced dessert is the one with red bean, but down the same street of KTZ Kepong, there is a very good ice kacang, the best one I’ve ever tried. Gosh, i miss Msian food, too bad I’m so far away, and I’ve no patience to take photos n blog, if not, I’ll have a very interesting foodblog, 😉

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