Duck Feet Roll @ Petaling Street

    Duck Feet Roll might be a new terms to the younger generations. I can still remember vividly where mum bought it back from the pasar malam during my younger days but I can hardly see it nowadays.

    So Duck Feet Roll is a nostalgia to my childhood 🙂

    I’m so delighted when I found out something: there’s a Petaling Street hawker nicknamed Sze Ngan Zhai / Bespectatacled Boy / ??? who never stop selling Duck Feet Roll for 20 years.

    The making of Duck Feet Roll is especially tedious. According to the Sze Ngan Zai uncle, first he marinates the cleaned duck intestine, duck liver and duck feet in their (secret recipe) sauce overnight. Place the duck liver and pork in the middle of duck’s feet and wrap it around with duck intestines. Hang it to dry at a shady place.

    Another specialty of Sze Ngan Zai – Roasted Duck. The ever famous stall right still has its queue of people lining up for the ducks (half a duck is RM18, a whole duck is RM36)

    The Duck Feet Roll is delicious!It smells and tastes like Cantonese sausage with less oil ozzing out because they used lean meat nowadays, the feet gives you more cartilage to chew on and the liver is just nice. (RM 1.50 per piece)

    Gime me a beer please!


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