Salak, also known as snake fruit due to the brown scaled skin. It is native to Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm.
They are about the size and shape of a ripe fig. Just like manggis, the fruit consists of lobes, with large seed inside each lobes. It has a hint of sweet and sourish taste and the texture is firm and crunchy, just like apple and pear. If you are not lucky enough, you might get salak that tasted “kelat” (bitter aftertaste), according to Bin Gregory. There’s another species of salak with elongated pear shape from Malaysia Best site.
At first sight, one might be pulled back by the snake scale like skin, but apparently a lot of people love buah salak after they had their first bite. I have no idea where can we get it around KL city as these pictures were taken at Kuala Terengganu by KampungBoy.
i never see this fruit before also. thanks for sharing kampungboy. feel like tasting it now. =)
You can get them at Chow Kit where there lots of Indonesians. I still remember having them in Sumatra as it’s extremely popular there.
oooo the skin is so geli. hmmm i should try it. thxs for sharing kampung boi. wow u went to east cost?
Lucas: I’m not sure where u can get from Ipoh
Boo: Really?? Thanks for sharing
Littleguykitchen: Kampungboy is from east cost..he was borned and grow up there
🙂 Haha~
oic… patut la. now only intro the fruit. I wonder got what fruit he left out 😉 How much does it cost?
It’s quite expensive… cost about RM8 per kg.. and the price vary with the season..
Now my wife is mengidam dis salak fruit…
herm where i can get dis fruit in Ipoh eik?….
kalo x jumpe kat ipoh cari kat chow kitt je lah nnt…
sure ke kat chow kitt banyak ni?…