Keropok Lekor actually fermented fishes and tiny prawns originated from Terengganu. The types of fish mainly used are the ikan parang (herring), tamban (sardine-like fish) and selayang (decapterus russellii).
What is well known to the tourists is the fried style keropok lekor in Kampung Losong. However, the locals will usually opt for the Chinese style steamed keropok lekor from Kampung Cina. Kampung Boy’s cousin brought it all the way back from terengganu, how sweet of her! Basically we just need to reheat it and there we go….
Wao~ Makan time! Hehe… Best in the world!!! You should have a try!

The ‘cili padi’ is way too spicy for citygal. Two cups of 100 plus is not enough to flush away the spiciness. According to kampungboy, they used sago flour to make sure that the keropok lekor is chewy.
Erm… Where to buy??? Its only available in Kuala Terengganu. You need to order via phone call or try your luck at the Kuala Terengganu Hawker Center –> only in the early morning and also it depends to the weather (Fisherman will rest during Monsoon Season, so inadequate fish supply, no fish means no keropok lor!)
bagaimana membuat ?
Di mana hendak membelinya dan ada ke kursus untuk membuatnya,kalau ada di mana?Boleh ke ramuan ikan keli di guna.
saya nak ada orang supply keropok lekor. d uitm terengganu utk d niagakan…
makanlah keropok selalau………
keropok tu macam gak cincalok