Make Your Travel Wish Now!

    Our world is truly magnificent and we have only seen a fraction of it. Travel is one of our main priorities in life and everyone should have a travel bucket list. In Asia, we wish to visit Nepal, Japan, India and Sri Lanka some day. These countries are made up of an alluring collection of ancient wonders, modern marvels and natural landmarks in which one should see at least once in their lifetime.

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    Kashmir, India

    Recently, KampungBoy’s cousin sister who studies in India kept sending us her travel photos from most places across India. KampungBoy grew up together with her and they are really close, just like siblings. It is his dream to travel to India to attend her graduation ceremony this year.
    Kolkata and Jamshedpur, India

    Coincidently, my sister who just came back from her business trip to India kept telling me that India is indeed incredible. Is that a sign or what? I think we are destined to make a trip to India!
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    However, we are always traveling on a tight budget so we need to do some planning to make our travel wish come true:

    1)      Cheap flight tickets. We normally have our travel plans all laid out at the beginning of a brand new year and bought our flight tickets 3-6 months ahead. Make use of airlines loyalty and reward cards to redeem free flights.
    2)      Cheap accommodation. Explore your accommodation options – home stay, budget hotel, hostel, hotel, couch surfing or even friends/relatives house. Look out for genuine travelers review in trip advisor before deciding.
    3)      Make good use of public transformation. If you have a sense of what you are going to do, then it is best to plan out your driving route or check public transportation information. It is often the cheapest way to get around and to experience a day in the life of a local.
    4)      Plan ahead, visit your destination’s official tourism website to look out for travel tips and discounts. The nice people from the tourism office often entice tourists with freebies such as free tourist buses, tourist pass and tourist discount vouchers. During our recent trip to South Korea, we made use of those tourist perks a lot.

    So in preparation for our upcoming trip to India, we have got accommodation checked √ (can always stay with kampungboy’s cousin), public transport guide checked √ (my sister gave me some tips on buying cheap train tickets) and planning checked √ (we knew exactly where we want to visit). Now we are on the look out for the best deals for  our flight tickets to India.
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    I just mentioned about cheap flight tickets right? What about free flights? AirAsia BIG is giving away 5 Million BIG Points to fulfil your wish of flying more for free to see your friends and family! Any BIG members can make their travel wish at Visit the website and click on “Make a Travel Wish”.
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    Make a BIG travel wish for yourself. I chose India for obvious reason 🙂
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    After you are done with your own travel wish, you can start making a wish for someone else. I’m doing kampungboy a favour as I know he really wants to attend his cousin’s graduation ceremony in India.

    I’ve already made my travel wish with Airasia BIG, and spent some time on doing my husband  a favour by making a wish for him too. ! What are you waiting for? Make your travel wish at to win yourself a well-deserved holiday.

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